What Would You do if You WON?
By doubleblackdiamond1
+12 Who hates Quick Picks?

It's debatable that every Powerball and Mega Millions picks have an equal chance of winning, however there really are numbers that show up more often over a given period than others. My wife would only use quick picks and never have any luck, SO FOR FUN I built a number generator with data-driven analytics based on past drawings of both Powerball and Mega Millions. I've built 2 number generators each for both Powerball and Mega Millions, one using a hot/cold number method and another using a weighted average method over a given period of time. The results I've had from using these are mixed so far, however I plan to continue playing regularly to either prove or disprove my method. My site is quickpickiq.com if you'd like to check it out and use it. Anyone else have any luck using something like this?

Recent responses

+17 @Wooden_Pomegranate67 Unfortunately, there are no patterns. Think about it like this. The current Mega millions format started in 2017 and has odds of 1 in 302 million. Since the new format started in 2017, there have only been about 600 drawings. So only 600 out of 300,000,000 possible combinations have been drawn or .0002% of combinations. Any pattern that may have arisen in such a small sample size is meaningless. Now, imagine you decided to flip a coin 1,000,000 times, and the first 2 flips get heads. These two flips out of a million are equivalent to how many Mega Millions drawings there have been since 2017 and represent .0002% of the flips. Just because so far, there has been a 100% chance of heads does not change the fact that there is still a 50/50 chance you will get tails. Using the past results to predict the next flip would be pointless. As we flip the coin over and over again, patterns will disappear, and it will become obvious that the odds are 50/50. The same will happen for the lottery. Give it a few million years, and it will become obvious that there is no pattern. TLDR: The odds are the odds, and there is nothing you can do about it.