+15 Jackpot wins by state

Did some research on what states have the most jackpot wins

Top 10


  1. Indiana 39
  2. Missouri 31
  3. Minnesota 22
  4. Pennsylvania 20
  5. Wisconsin. 19
  6. Kentucky. 18
  7. Louisiana. 17
  8. Florida. 17
  9. Arizona. 14
  10. California 14


  1. New York. 43
  2. California. 35
  3. New Jersey 24
  4. Ohio 20
  5. Michigan 18
  6. Georgia. 16
  7. Illinois. 15
  8. Texas. 14
  9. Maryland 11
  10. Virginia 9

So there you go. California isn’t number one.

Recent responses

+15 @SphynxKittens Powerball has only been sold in CA since 2013. That’s why it barely cracks the top 10.