+167 Bought a $100 scratch off ticket

Just started playing the lottery and doing scratch off tickets again for a bit of fun. Tried out one of these $100 tickets today. Won $150 not bad for a first time haha.

Recent responses

+87 @Funny-Childhood Sheesh. I can't bring myself to buy the $20 ones but you gotta spend big to win big. Those are the ones that hit good. You won't become a millionaire in the $1or $3' ones. At least you up $50 . Now go buy another and post again. I'll live vicariously through you

+49 @Illustrious-Issue643 I bought $200 worth of the $10k a week for life last weekend (10 tix) and only won $80 back. I feel like I’m done with lotto for awhile

+22 @yell-and-hollar GOOD LUCK

+15 @818VitaminZ $100 ticket for a top prize of $1M. That is a ripoff. Top prize should be $30 - $40M range.

+11 @heaeddoctor Very nice marketing. I really like the “look” of the ticket.