What Would You do if You WON?
By Initial-Lead-2814
+27 Anyone else feel certain stores only sell losers?

I have a store near me everyone I know refuses to buy lottery from. Ill admit I wont. Just wondsering how many others have the same feelings about a place?

Recent responses

+22 @McBurger I don’t think the idea has much merit, however I will say this. The state gives the retailers really prominent signs saying *“Wow! A $2000 winner was sold here!”* and my local loser store has zero of them. Haha.

+11 @Icy_Performer_6794 Man, don't it seem that way? The thing is that the odds on scratchers are around 3-to-1 or 4-to-1 or even worse. There have been a couple times that I won off 3 scratchers in numerical sequence in a single deck, but that is rare. Much more likely is the string of losers, and that's why working a deck is a losing proposition. Now, add to the mix an unscrupulous owner or worker who sees a customer burn through $100 on a single game and when the customer leaves without a winner, buys and wins the next one. Happens more than you would think. A little bit of shadiness ruins the experience for players.