What Would You do if You WON?
By Embarrassed-Name6481
+49 Is spending $90 a week too much to be spending on the lottery?

I regularly play draw games and typically spend about $30 on tickets for each draw. I focus on whichever jackpot is the highest at the time, and right now, I’m playing Powerball.

For context, I make $30 per hour at my job and work around 40 hours a week, with occasional overtime.

Recent responses

+51 @Mmusic91 It's all a matter of opinion. If you have to ask, the answer (for you) is probably "yes". For context, $90/WK on tickets * 4 weeks in a month (average) = $360/mo. $360 * 12(months in a year) = $~4320/year. Just on lottery tickets. What would you do with an extra $4k every year?

+22 @pleasemilkmeFTL Do you have fun? Can you afford to lose? That's all that matters. I don't drink, smoke, or go out a lot so this is my fun.

+11 @Rio__Grande For me personally yea but everyone's circumstances are just that. I personally would put it into investment and maybe only play $40 a week or less. Are you buying just scratchers, or some ticket/draw games too?